Thursday, 20 September 2007

It's been awhile since I've updated this, unfortunately I've been too busy to write much. I didn't have internet on my home computer until a few days ago, my iMac didn't have a wireless network card installed and it was a real pain to get one. So for the last few months, I could only go online when I was at work, and work has been so busy that I never had time.

Now I have internet at home, I'll update this more often and I'll be able to keep in better touch with everyone.

I've been having lots of adventures here, so that's been good. I'll write more about them when I have time (I'm trying to write this on my lunch break at work and I've already been interrupted 3 times). Erika, Rachel and Heather have visited (Erika was in town on a business trip), and it was fun to go out with them in London.

I went home for a long weekend for Becca's wedding. The wedding was beautiful, but it was a really rough weekend for me. Unfortunately my cat, Lint, who I've had for 10 years, became gravely ill quite suddenly when I was in NY and we had to put him to sleep. The whole weekend in general was a bit insane, I'll write more on that later...

So the last few weeks have been a bit rough, but otherwise things are well. It's my 30th (eep!) birthday this Saturday, and I'm leaving tomorrow for Barcelona for 4 days. My friend Anya is coming in from San Francisco today and she and I are going to have a girl's weekend. I'm very much looking forward to it. We're going to a restaurant called Comerc 24 on Saturday night for my birthday dinner, which is supposed to be amazing.

My flatmate Rose moved back to the States, so I took over her room last month. Jorge, Nuno, and I decided to stay in the flat for another month or two, as none of us had any time or money to look for a new one and move. Jorge & Nuno's friend Miguel moved here from Portugal to live with us, but until we move he'll just be couchsurfing at ours & other friend's flats. Which isn't so bad for him because it gives him some time to find work and save some money. So I think for now we'll stay in the flat, maybe look for a new one in November or so.

There's a whole bunch of people coming to visit in the new few months - my Canadian friend Jon will be here next week for a few days when I get back from Spain. Celine and her boyfriend are coming in October, and Becca and Jake are coming for their honeymoon in Oct as well. Mary may come in November over Thanksgiving, and Minor is probably visiting in December. Hopefully Annick will come in December as well. So that will keep me from getting too homesick until I go home in January for Erika & Ian's wedding. Also, Kevin is moving here this week to go to grad school, so it will be awesome to have a NY friend here all the time.

Well, I should run because work is super busy (as always). Hope everyone is well and I will have lots of stories to tell about Barcelona the next time I post!

Much love...